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गाइडहरु > गाइडहरु > How to Cancel

How to Cancel


1* If you’ve used our service for less than 12 months, you will be charged a cancellation fee of 3,000 yen.


2* After your request has been submitted, you will get your deposit refunded.


3* Once your plan has been terminated, your plan history will be deleted.


4* We will NOT cancel your plan if you have any outstanding payments.

1. Tap on the “Plan” tab at the bottom of the Smiles Connect screen.
2. Tap on the “Apply to cancel” button.
3. Select the plan you want to cancel and indicate whether you want to perform Mobile Number Portability (MNP) or not.
4. Read the terms and conditions and check each box to indicate you agree and tap “Next.”
5. To verify your request, insert the code you will receive via SMS.
6. After confirming your request details, tap on the “Cancel & terminate plan” or “Request MNP number” button.
7. Your request is sent and confirmed!

Frequently asked

तपाईंलाई पर्न आउने शुल्कको बारेमा हामी पूर्ण पारदर्शी छौं। सुरक्षा निक्षेपको लागि लाग्ने 3,000 येन तपाईंले योजना रद्द गर्दा फिर्ता पाउनुहुनेछ। सक्रियता शुल्कको लागि भने सेवा सुरू गर्दा 3,000 येन (एक पटक मात्र) खर्च लाग्नेछ।

पर्दैन, हाम्रो सिस्टमले तपाईँको Smiles Wallet अकाउन्टबाट  भुक्तानी मितिको दिन रकम स्वचालित तरिकाले कट्टा गर्नेछ ।

हजुर, हामीसँग अहिले धेरै प्रकारका कॉलिङ अप्शनहरू रहेका छन्:  
  • प्रत्येक 30 सेकेन्ड: ¥22
  • अनलिमिटेड कलिङ (5 मिनेटसम्म): ¥600
  • अनलिमिटेड कलिङ (10 मिनेटसम्म): ¥800
  • भ्वइसमेल: ¥300
  • कल वेटिङ: ¥200